NorCham Philadelphia Inc. (NorCham Philly) is the premier forum for Norwegian and U.S. member companies engaged in international trade and market expansion in the Philadelphia metropolitan area. NorCham Philly creates competitive advantages through strategic networking opportunities and value-added business programs that facilitate access to business, government, and policy-level decision-makers. We offer an exceptional membership opportunity in a globally connected business network.
NorCham Philly is the fifth Affiliated Chapter to NorCham USA; a national not-for-profit regional-chapter business network and member-based trade association whose mission is to promote international trade and market expansion between Norway and the United States and to support Norwegian national strategies and values as they apply to NorCham’s members and chapters.
NorCham USA was formed to promote commercial, trade, and business relationships between the United States and Norway nationally and locally; organize business events to further business development and networking; and support members, businesses, and affiliated chapters in their aligned purposes.